
"Bookdealer" stellt Erscheinen ein

5. März 2011
von Börsenblatt
Die seit 1971 bestehende britische Branchenzeitschrift "Bookdealer" wird nach dreimonatiger Pause nicht wieder erscheinen. "The competition from 'on-line' sources and the internet in general give a quicker up-to-date service."

Herausgeber Richard Sawyer teilt hierzu in einem Schreiben mit (zitiert nach der aktuellen Ausgabe von "Sheppard's Confidential"): "Back in November [2010] publication of Bookdealer was suspended for three months (December, January and February). The prime reason for this was that the publication was failing to break even financially. It was hoped that a three month break would facilitate finding a way forward. Unfortunately [...] we have been unable to produce a viable business plan and it would be more than foolhardy to recommence publication.

There have been many telephone calls of support and praise for a magazine that obviously has been much treasured over the years. Today that does not translate into a sufficient robust subscriber list nor attract enough advertising revenue to keep the ship afloat. The competition from 'on-line' sources and the internet in general give a quicker up-to-date service. At the same time operating expenses for this type of publication inevitably rise. The demise of Book and Magazine Collector [im Herbst 2010 ebenfalls eingestellte britische Zeitschrift; Anm. der Redaktion] is testimony to these facts. The door is still open if anyone feels that there is an alternative business model not yet explored."

Angestrebt werde, so Sawyer, den "Bookdealer" als Netzdienst anzubieten; Einzelheiten scheinen noch nicht festzustehen, sollen aber noch im Laufe des Monats mitgeteilt werden.